Syntol is a powerful yet gentle yeast cleanse that supports intestinal balance.*
Probiotic bacteria may favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, promote normal amounts of bacteria and yeast colonies, promote good digestion, and support healthy immune function.
People with flourishing intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria “probiotics”may be better equipped to fight the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. When probiotics are introduced they compete with yeast and other bacteria for attachment points along the digestive tract. The good bacteria essentially crowd out the bad and normal intestinal balance can be restored.
Syntol contains 13.6 Billion CFUs (Colony Forming Units) of various non-competing strains of probiotic bacteria. One of these strains is the potent B. subtilis, a spore forming bacteria. Spore germination is a dependable means of delivering healthy flora to the intestine in less than ideal conditions. Most bacteria are susceptible to any acidic pH range, mainly thriving in the more alkaline lower GI, but spores are able to withstand a broader range of variables in regards to pH and temperature ranges. This improves the chances that the probiotic strain will properly germinate and begin the process of restoring intestinal balance.
Our scientists specifically studied the enzymes that develop on dead yeast in laboratory settings. Similar enzymes were then reproduced, concentrated and added into the Syntol formula. Certain enzymes are attracted to dying candida cells where they dissolve or digest it away. The enzyme yeast cleanse is beneficial for the breaking down of dead and decaying yeast. This assists the body in the normal removal of toxic yeast before it has a chance to ferment and release chemicals such as formaldehyde that are known to cause uncomfortable detox symptoms.
Prebiotics are soluble fibers that stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial flora.
Syntol contains Vitafiber™ an isomalto-oligosaccharide or (IMO). VitaFiber™ is a certified organic prebiotic fiber which is completely resistant to bodily digestion. IMO is able to pass safely through the stomach and into the intestine where it stimulates the growth of probiotics and bifidobacteria by fermenting and creating the ideal conditions for microflora colonization. Most prebiotics can cause gas and bloating, due to the body’s inability to break them down, while VitaFiber™ has the least flatulence in comparison to other prebiotics such as inulin and FOS.
Candida Defense
Syntol prevents the growth of candida yeast and provides the perfect condition for indigenous bacteria (probiotic) growth. This is accomplished by the Lactobacillus family of microflora included in the formula, which have the ability to produce hydrogen peroxide as their byproduct. This acts as a poison to the yeast, effectively killing colonies of excessive yeast throughout the intestine.
Candida Yeast, also known as Candida albicans is composed of an outer protective protein layer. Under this shell, Candida is primarily composed of cellulose (plant fiber) and N-acetyl-glucosamine (sugar). Syntol uses an extremely potent blend of protease (protein digesting), cellulase and hemicellulase (cellulose and fiber digesting), glucoamylase and amylase (breaks down sugars), and serrapeptase (more protein digestion). These enzymes strip away Candida’s protective protein shell and begin digesting its cellular infrastructure.
Syntol contains this powerful intestinal cleanse to assist in the removal of dead yeast and other bad bacteria from the body. This will protect the body from experiencing detox symptoms normally given off during the yeast cleansing process.