The Power of SOD (Superoxide Dismutase)

The Power of Superoxide Dismutase

You might not have heard of SOD, but SOD is one of the body’s primary antioxidant nutrients. It’s actually called a “Primary” antioxidant system, because it’s one of the four antioxidants that is produced by the body. Sure you’ve probably heard of vitamin C, berries, and a whole host of other antioxidants. All of these […]

Report: Beyond Tangy Tangerine, Youngevity & Heavy Metals

Report: Beyond Tangy Tangerine, Youngevity & Heavy Metals 1

Here at we have been asked many questions about Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the Youngevity product line. One question that has come up a few times has been about certain ingredients that are contained in products like Beyond Tangy Tangerine. It’s true, things like lead, mercury, arsenic, fluoride, etc are present everywhere in nature, […]

Minerals: Essential for Health

Minerals: Essential for Health 2

Liquid Minerals for Optimal Health* Youngevity offers the highest quality and most comprehensive line of liquid mineral supplements. These unique and healthful formulas were developed by Joel D. Wallach, DVM, ND, biochemical research pioneer known to many as The Mineral Doctor. The foundation for each formula is Majestic Earth® Plant Derived Minerals™.*