New site address for Youngevity Products

New site address for Youngevity Products 1

Due to new rules being enforced by Youngevity on dealers we are no longer allowed to offer their products along side other companies products.  In order to comply with this rule with have setup an Youngevity mini site for our customers to order their Youngevity products with minimal changes.

All current Youngevity product links will automatically forward you to the new mini site which will look and operate exactly as it has always been with the only difference being you can no longer place an order for other products (non-youngevity) at the same time as purchasing Youngevity products.

The new Youngevity order site can be reached at

Please note that if you currently have an account with it will still work on the new mini site, with the only difference being that your order history will start fresh their with no previous orders listed.

Youngevity orders already placed will still be listed on your account here, new orders placed on the new site will be listed on your account there.

If you would like to order any product that is not a Youngevity product you can do so like usual at

If you have any questions about these changes please feel free to email us or contact us via the live chat bottom right corner of the site.

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